
  • 🛡️ Challenger


Personal log

Extremely grateful for Nina's, Sascha's, Steffen's, Pavel's and Roman's great engagement and the brilliant contributions. Thank you so much !!! Andrea & Waldi

1 year ago

After lunch, off to the final sprint

1 year ago

Complementing and refining the presentation

1 year ago

Prototype for de-anonymisation based on correlations works.

1 year ago

Profound discussion on the measurement of anonymity

1 year ago

A new day begins

1 year ago

Review of results so far: Done Further steps: Determined

1 year ago

Back 2 work

1 year ago

Coffee break

1 year ago

Coached by Oleg ;-)

1 year ago

Several tasks are planned and assigned to team members.

1 year ago

Hacking continues...

1 year ago

Lunchtime ;-)

1 year ago

First probable (partly) deanonymisations are realized with manual hackings.

1 year ago

Simultaneously there are attempts to analyse the dataset automatically.

1 year ago

Team is build, first approaches what should be measured are discussed, Dataset ist distributed: Now some exoeriences with manual hackings are in progress.

1 year ago

Summary - done ;-)

1 year ago