Automatisierung von Berichten




Die Daten werden auf Google Spreadsheet gepflegt.


import getBEData
This content is a preview from an external site.

Joined the team

30.05.2023 16:23 ~ bjrn

Event finished

13.05.2023 15:00

Edited content version 71

13.05.2023 12:47 ~ adrian_borerhaefliger

How it feels

13.05.2023 12:29 ~ gill


13.05.2023 12:27 ~ gill

Edited content version 63

13.05.2023 12:24 ~ adrian_borerhaefliger

Edited content version 61

13.05.2023 12:22 ~ adrian_borerhaefliger

fixed other things (@lhenchoz)

fixed all (@lhenchoz)

Create test.txt (@LANGB4)

getTable1 geflickt (@thisss)

Update (@Borer-Haefliger Adrian)

bug fixes (@lhenchoz)

fixed issues (@lhenchoz)

Merge pull request #8 from gilluuu/download-button

Download Button (@gilluuu)

Download Button (@gilluuu)

Merge pull request #7 from gilluuu/static-update-message

static update second (@gilluuu)

static update second (@gilluuu)

Merge pull request #6 from gilluuu/static-update

added second html (@gilluuu)

added second html (@gilluuu)


13.05.2023 09:50

Edited content version 58

13.05.2023 09:50 ~ adrian_borerhaefliger

Edited content version 56

13.05.2023 09:50 ~ adrian_borerhaefliger

Edited content version 54

13.05.2023 09:48 ~ adrian_borerhaefliger

Nach langem Versuchen steht die WebUI endlich (danke, Oleg und Dominic!)

13.05.2023 09:44 ~ gill

Edited content version 49

13.05.2023 09:41 ~ adrian_borerhaefliger

Edited content version 47

13.05.2023 09:40 ~ adrian_borerhaefliger

Edited content version 45

13.05.2023 09:39 ~ adrian_borerhaefliger

removed print statements (@LANGB4)

removed print statements again (@LANGB4)

removed print statements (@LANGB4)

Merge pull request #5 from gilluuu/static

static folder added (@gilluuu)

fixed path (@lhenchoz)

static folder added (@gilluuu)

added changes to .py file (@lhenchoz)

still facing issues with table (@lhenchoz)

smaller fixes in html (@gilluuu)

Merge pull request #4 from gilluuu/fixing-static

fixed static folders (@gilluuu)

fixed static folders (@gilluuu)

worked on table in report (@lhenchoz)

Merge pull request #3 from gilluuu/index-and-stuff

index file and styling (@gilluuu)

index file and styling (@gilluuu)

Pfad angepasst. (@thisss)

Update DemoAutomatisierungVonBerichten.pptx (@Borer-Haefliger Adrian)

Add files via upload

Added new Index (@gilluuu)

Delete index.html

Removing old index (@gilluuu)

Sortierreihenfolge geändert Chart (@thisss)

erstellen datei r_script (@abishanaru)

Generator als py (@thisss)

started working on cover page (@lhenchoz)

added new graphs to report (@lhenchoz)

moved to code folder (@LANGB4)

bugfixing due to format changes in getBEData (@LANGB4) working (@LANGB4)


13.05.2023 05:14

Joined the team

13.05.2023 05:14 ~ logan_henchoz

Adapted index.html (@thisss)

Server Example (@thisss)

Erster Fix Webserver (@thisss)

Fix Type Jahr (@thisss)


12.05.2023 19:59

Edited content version 41

12.05.2023 19:59 ~ gill

Edited content version 39

12.05.2023 19:58 ~ gill

Update DemoAutomatisierungVonBerichten.pptx (@Borer-Haefliger Adrian)

Titel (@Borer-Haefliger Adrian)

getBEData (@thisss)


12.05.2023 19:28

Links: Bericht wie bisher, Rechts: Automatisch generiert

12.05.2023 19:28 ~ gill

abo (@Borer-Haefliger Adrian)

added changes (@lhenchoz)

added immage (@lhenchoz)

flask (@LANGB4)

housekeeping (@LANGB4)

Update (@thisss)

bericht2() finalized (@LANGB4)

adapted grafiken logic (@lhenchoz)

small changes (@LANGB4)

added getBericht2() (@LANGB4)

Line Chart fertig (@abishanaru)

Delete Daten_Mietpreise.csv (@Borer-Haefliger Adrian)

finalize getBericht1() (@LANGB4)

updated some functions (@lhenchoz)

Webserver, funktioniert noch nicht (@thisss)

added getBericht1() (@LANGB4)

Einige Optimierungen und Kommentare im (@thisss)

clean up (@thisss)

Update (@thisss)

Merge pull request #2 from gilluuu/datenaufbereitung

Datenaufbereitung (@thisss)


12.05.2023 13:25

Edited content version 33

12.05.2023 13:25 ~ gill

Datenaufbereitung (@thisss)

Create Daten_Mietpreise.csv (@Borer-Haefliger Adrian)

Grandioser Datensauger. (@thisss)

weitere Sätze hinzugefügt (@abishanaru)

added (@LANGB4)

added and diagram folder (@LANGB4)

Merge pull request #1 from gilluuu/PDF

PDF Generator (@gilluuu)

PDF Generator (@Gilles Nikles)

added beispiel PDF (@lhenchoz)

added PDF Report example (@lhenchoz)

Added assets folder and logo Stadt Bern (@Gilles Nikles)

Event started

12.05.2023 09:00


12.05.2023 08:59

Joined the team

12.05.2023 08:58 ~ gill

Added all files from USB (@lhenchoz)

Initial commit (@gilluuu)


09.05.2023 12:41

Edited content version 25

09.05.2023 12:41 ~ Felix

Joined the team

03.05.2023 16:15 ~ adrian_borerhaefliger

Edited content version 22

03.05.2023 13:16 ~ Felix

Edited content version 20

26.04.2023 11:53 ~ Felix

Edited content version 18

17.04.2023 14:53 ~ Felix

Edited content version 16

30.03.2023 13:57 ~ janikvonrotz

Joined the team

30.03.2023 13:55 ~ janikvonrotz

Edited content version 12

19.01.2023 16:49 ~ Felix

Edited content version 10

19.01.2023 16:40 ~ Felix

Edited content version 8

19.01.2023 16:32 ~ Felix

Edited content version 6

19.01.2023 16:31 ~ Felix

Edited content version 4

19.01.2023 16:31 ~ Felix

Edited content version 2

19.01.2023 16:29 ~ Felix
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Data Hackdays BE 2023