Joined the team
Automatisierung von Berichten
People | 6 | Posts | 127 | Dribs | 121 |
Event finish
How it feels
fixed other things (@lhenchoz)
Merge branch 'main' of (@lhenchoz)
fixed all (@lhenchoz)
Create test.txt (@LANGB4)
Merge branch 'main' of (@Borer-Haefliger Adrian)
getTable1 geflickt (@thisss)
Merge branch 'main' of (@Borer-Haefliger Adrian)
Update (@Borer-Haefliger Adrian)
bug fixes (@lhenchoz)
fixed issues (@lhenchoz)
Merge pull request #8 from gilluuu/download-button
Download Button (@gilluuu)
Download Button (@gilluuu)
Merge pull request #7 from gilluuu/static-update-message
static update second (@gilluuu)
static update second (@gilluuu)
Merge pull request #6 from gilluuu/static-update
added second html (@gilluuu)
added second html (@gilluuu)
Nach langem Versuchen steht die WebUI endlich (danke, Oleg und Dominic!)
removed print statements (@LANGB4)
removed print statements again (@LANGB4)
removed print statements (@LANGB4)
Merge branch 'main' of (@lhenchoz)
Merge pull request #5 from gilluuu/static
static folder added (@gilluuu)
fixed path (@lhenchoz)
static folder added (@gilluuu)
added changes to .py file (@lhenchoz)
still facing issues with table (@lhenchoz)
smaller fixes in html (@gilluuu)
Merge pull request #4 from gilluuu/fixing-static
fixed static folders (@gilluuu)
fixed static folders (@gilluuu)
Merge branch 'main' of (@lhenchoz)
worked on table in report (@lhenchoz)
Merge pull request #3 from gilluuu/index-and-stuff
index file and styling (@gilluuu)
index file and styling (@gilluuu)
Pfad angepasst. (@thisss)
Update DemoAutomatisierungVonBerichten.pptx (@Borer-Haefliger Adrian)
Add files via upload
Added new Index (@gilluuu)
Delete index.html
Removing old index (@gilluuu)
Sortierreihenfolge geändert Chart (@thisss)