
  • 💡 Ideator

My Story

Organizer of hackathons and maintainer of open source platforms including dribdat, the official platform of Data Hackdays Bern 2023!

🎯 Goals

res bene cadent

Visit my blog: https://utou.ch and homepage: https://dat.alets.ch for more background

Personal log

Your pitch as a slide deck - you are free to edit (in the near future I'd like to make this a feature of dribdat!)

1 year ago

Good morning 🌞

1 year ago

I've looked into Microsoft Purview, the python-docx library, found a nice technical (XML) intro to .docx, and grabbed me a copy of 💾 Microsoft Word 1.0

1 year ago

Daniela kicks off the Hackdays with the Datafying Bern challenge

1 year ago